these are links I collected from 1994 to about 1995 or 1996. So if they actually work, well, woah!
Links to the Literary
Now divided into a whopping five sections:
- 54 words.
- Read this: garrett county journal
- At Literary Kicks you will find plenty to read and learn about the Beat Generation - from Blake, Whitman and Rimbaud to all your beat writer favourites. Levi Asher has created a rich web world of the people, places, influences, works of and tributes to these folk. These pages practically glow with links to the wealth of beat data - a broad sweep of the scene from an array of sources. More than just a fan's home page, you might actually learn something here!
- Nepali Literature page - collecting the creations of folk from this tiny strip of the Himalayan mountains between Tibet and China. There are poems and stories - all scanned gifs of nepalese texts from the November 1994 Insight magazine - no english. They say they will have recordings of readings - that's what I am excited for.
My friend Haia is a one man alternative press. After reading selections from his dream journals, my friend Gerry Lax suggested he may have indeed been pulled up by space aliens and implanted with a transmitter. Regardless of where he draws his material, he writes some wild stuff. |
alien transmission transcripts |
I very much enjoyed my last reading of Verbiage Magazine - "showcasing great short fiction since 1994" I discovered just that there. Some engaging, great short fiction. With the amount of stuff I read on the web, it is quite a pleasure it is to find original, worthwhile stuff. In addition to publishing cool shit, they also have an interface to allow you to respond to stories at the end of each one. Cheers to captivating content! I am looking to Morpo Review to provide some of the same stuff. More later. Oooo! Love that vitrol! I admit, I watch Melrose Place regularly, so I was pleased to find this site. Now I realize that this will become an integral part of my viewing experience. These guys have nailed down this show and done a brilliant job of putting together a weekly summary that exposes the shallowness while still maintaining a certain warmheartedness for those archetypes we follow weekly. Their biting prose and no-holds-barred analysis makes for a great read, especially if you know the characters and the general mentality of the whole proceeding. Each show review is some of the funniest shit I have read on the net. Stories by RICHH - I first came in contact with this guy's work in He writes some really wonderfully absurd, obscene stuff. Complete irreverance, with something here to offend everyone. At the place, self-styled contemporary artist Joseph Squire has written a hypertext poem (under stories) Life with Father, trying to mend his memories of a broken home. It is an interesting early application of what promises to be a frequent form. There's a web site down under called Sumeria, that has made a point of collecting and presenting ftp texts that have a different take on a variety of subjects, including science, health, technology, politics, economics, etc. MIT's Student Association for Freedom of Expression has a home page with links to anti-censorship related resources Master of the macbre, teller of truly twisted tales, H.P. Lovecraft has a page at Berkeley. Some of the first CyberPunk fiction I've seen by a woman, the Jayhawk series by Mary K. Kuhner is a 144 part cyberpunk tale posted up at this web site. It looks to be for the people who are into this stuff - I have not yet determined any universal value. I find that College papers sometimes have a faint glimmer of alternativism to them. There are a few college papers online And I have put some of my own writing online Poetry Pages
- hang ten
- Out of Columbia University, Project Bartleby strives to be the public library of the internet. They've gotten off to a pretty good start, at least in the poetry section - their versions of major works are in HTML. Check out Leaves of Grass - the whole thing - hypertexted. Look here for the complete works of Wordsworth, and poems by Oscar Wilde, Percy Shelley, John Keats - each with biography and publishing history. They may all be dead white European males - but it's a start!
- David Fox
- You can find poems by established poets online at the English Server's Poetry Page. A random selection including works by poets from Maya Angelou, to S.T. Coleridge, to Henry Rollins. Some heavy hitters here - Sandburg, Whitman, Poe, cummings, Eliot, Auden.
- Boasting modern heavy hitter Seamus Heany, and a real official sounding title, the Internet Poetry Archive page has nine poems by Seamus, and a few poems and some .au readings in English and Polish by poet Czeslaw Milosz. Other than that, the site is under construction.
- An experiment in online hypertext poetry creation exists at The Asylum's Poetry Corner. You can add a line at a time to a collaborative poem there.
- Dogwood Blossoms - your online journal of Haiku. This is a web interface over ascii versions of this online haiku magazine.
- In the Pockets of the Night, poems by Elizabeth Heron. Read below
- A Purgatory of Semiotics some poems that a slow net connection has prevented my from perusing enough to write a decent review. So rather than whip something off, I'll let you give the guy a chance. Features sounds of the poet reading his own material.
- Verbum Digitalis - an online poetry journal published by a fellow worker at HotWired
- The Yahoo list has a Poetry section.
- A reader sent me a poem about netsurfing
- You can look at some of my own poems
People harnessing web technology to do new/cool stuff. New Media
- A Master List of Electronic Media. I like this list for its discerning look at media on the web. It primarily lists media that takes advantage of this new medium.
- There are a few tantalizing pieces of Skeptic magazine online at this web site. They are into debunking, thorough examination, and exposition of flimsiness in science and history.
- Interact with "the first Internet browsable, downloadable, interactive, science fiction, humorous, satirical, mystery electronic book" - The Doomsday Brunette. Only the first three chapters are presented here, but there is some interactivity and choices to be made by the reader in that short space. A downloadable version is available for windows, as well.
- Stroll by the International Teletimes Home Page. According to the editor: "Teletimes seeks to present informed opinion and observation drawn from the experience of living in a particular place." This thing's got a 16 year-old editor! He's got three years on me...
Computer Related Literature
- A collection of information related to Technology and Culture is up, offering an alphabetical hodgepodge of documents examining cumputers, people and society.
- For phrackers and heaks: the Phrack Magazine Archives. Started in 1985, and publishing irregularly through today, this is one of the original Hacker/Preak magazines, offering the latest in news, security holes, stolen Bell memos, etc. all of interest to those looking to free information and screw with society.
- Bryan O'Sullivan, a student at Trinity College, Dublin, has translated Bruce Sterling's The Hacker Crackdown into HTML
- Computer Literacy Bookstore - Will Kreth says "possibly the largest specialist computer bookshop in the world"
- There's a Hacker's Dictionary online
- Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing
General Literary Info
- The Gutenberg project has been building up a collection of digitized versions of major works. The Gutenberg Master Index, weighing in at around 60k, is a list of all the books available online through their efforts.
- Like Project Gutenberg, but sorted by subject is the English Server. I often have trouble reaching the texts behind these pages. I found a backdoor listing, by author or by title. I actually like these book listings more than the original, since they list resources outside the English-Server. I was surprised at what I could find here! And even some stuff in HTML! Wheeee!
- There is a list of Commercial News Services on the WWW
- Writers nowadays, especially writers on the net, with all this fast flowing free information, need access to the full story on copyright laws. UseNet brings us the Copyright FAQ offering a plain speaking guide to practical copyright considerations, complete with case citations!
- Information concerning Journalism online, from the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
- If you are thinking of writing for the screen or the stage, check out the Screenwriters' and Playwrights' Home Page has a small collection of resources to aid in the creative processes. Includes a list of all relevant web sites, advice, figures from lowest minimum salary agreements, and software. A little bare bones, but enough to get you started.
- Literate persons should know the History of Censorship in the USA
Some Desk Reference Tools:
- Dictionaries: Webster, American English , Webster's , German-English, Japanese-English.
- Ambrose Bierce's seminal work of wit and words the Devil's Dictionary is online, and searchable!
- Whew!, Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
- For finding, discovering, exploring alternative, different, available word choices, selections, opportunities, options, there is the online Roget's Thesaurus
- In this divided world in which we Americans stand up for our uniqueness, against all odds, and logic, needed is a Reference Guide for Weights and Measures
- Often I need to find things in the Bible. Or, perhaps you'd like to examine 143+ Biblical contradictions
- Every citizen of this country should have immediate access to the Constitution of the United States of America - what Howard Rhiengold calls "the most robust piece of social software ever coded"
- You need a graphical, colour browser to best take advantage of World Flag Index
- In a more and more chemically enhanced world, ready access to the Periodic Table of the elements can be very useful
- Need a list of Airline phone Numbers?
- Need a quick recipe?
Back to my growling, growing list of the Weird, the Wild and the Wonderful on the WWW
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