Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

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w e b e r g y

what you need to make a responded site

you don't need flashy graphics

witness walter miller - quite a popular guy, without a single picture at his site.

or dr bert who is struggling forward through regular writing production, with only rudimentary graphics production - chicken scratch or stolen at best.

you don't need java/frames/moving flashing blinking gyrating giggling cutting edge web programming

I certainly don't.

do you need a lexus to drive? do you need a montblanc to write? do you need a yamaha to make music?

if you think about it, a lot of that super high tech stuff prevents your words from being absorbed by the bulk of folks; I've met a fair number of people surfing on six year old computers, and there's no chance they can handle all the latest outlay of technology

there's so much you can say with just simple writing, and maybe some pictures. the fancy stuff is just there to make you feel behind, so you'll spend more money.

put time into whatever it is you like to do, and put that up on the web.

write about yourself, your hobbies, your passions, your politics, your community

whatever turns you on

because if you can be excited about them offline, and somehow transmit that enthusiasm online, or that depth of emotion over the wires
people will find it and stay for it and check back in on it,

especially if they think it's going to change:

so to make a responded site

put lots of time into it

people sense that it is a pulsating energy laden vessel of its own
that the person(s) making it care about it enough to keep it changing
that as you, or your business changes, so does the online manifestion thereof
otherwise it is like a pamphlet - not living, interesting.

care enough about the site to want to see it mature

that is the sign of a good webmaster
six months from now

people respond to energy
and the more you write, the more aspects of your interest online
the more there is for search engines to find on a breadth of subjects

so you increase your chances of visitors


personal publishing | technologee writings

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