Original Links
This is the way Links from the Underground used to look, as of January 27, 1994. This is when it was entitled Justin's Home Page, and encompassed my getting started info, my picture of me and Ollie, a picture of Cary Grant on Acid, and my recommended links all in one. Simplicity. History!
Welcome to my first attempt at Hypertext
Howdy, this is twenty-first century computing... (Is it worth our patience?) I'm publishing this, and I guess you're readin' this, in part to figure that out, huh?
High Stylin' on the Wurld Wyde Webb
This is a Hypertext server using MacHTTP v1.2.3 running on a Powerbook 180 w/ 8 RAM and a 120 HD. It is currently being broadcast from the depths of Willets, a dorm nestled in the shrubbery here at Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennisylvania.
I put this together with MacHTTP and the assistance of NCSA's HTML Primer that was invaluable. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in creating their own statements out here in the waste vastland. More general information about HyperText Mark-up Language is also available. For information about the World Wide Web and Mosaic, here's a recording of someone's voice:
Don't mind the dust, we're under construction
As of January 22, I am trying to construct my first HyperText page.
Take a look at Swarthmore's Gopher link. Or try this directory if you need to find the e-mail address of anyone here (Mosaic Users will have to use the search window in the upper right hand corner of your Mosaic window). Swarthmore, thanks to Eiji Hirai, even has its own home page and there is also another home page for the student run server.
I have the worst ice storm here in decades to thank for learning HyperText! (Note: Philadelphia's January Ice Storm is not my creation. And neither is its follow up page, More snow in Philadelphia, as of January 26th).
Some Personal Shit
Me and Ollie North:
(I'm the dude on the left) Note: this is a real, not doctored photo, taken when he came to speak at the University of Delaware in October
Rather than bore you with any more of my personal shit, I made a separate page.
Here's a menu of Cool Shit:
- My current favorite AfterDark (Mac) screensaver, Barney Blaster
- A list of Bootlegs
- A list of bootleg concert recordings, featuring Jane's Addiction and Porno for Pyros Leave me a note if you are interested in these, or if you have any of your own. Click
here for the voice of Perry.
A picture of Cary Grant taking a hit of acid
- A United Press International photo of "Patient Cary Grant" taking a hit of acid during the acid tests conducted by the government. The text at the bottom of the picture reads: "Patient Cary Grant; From a vision, a tough inner core."
Other HyperText Pages worth checking out:
And non-HyperText Pages worth checking out:
Note: The preceeding section was dedicated to this man:
Al Gore. The information tollroad's first official pedestrian.
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / jhall1@cc.swarthmore.edu
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Links from the Underground
This page and all its contents Copyright 1994 Justin Hall. All rights reserved. Contact me with any questions you might think of, permissions you might want, or problems you may have.
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall / <justin@cyborgasmic.com>
justin's links by justin hall: contact