Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

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Richard Sager, a wealthy gay alum of swat donated a pile of cash that since 1988, there might be a weekend long symposium dedicated to the academic exploration and institutional affirmation of queer studies and queer culture.
My second year, 1995, Sager coincided neatly with parent's weekend
Mom and I attended a panel discussion on "queering the instution/institutionalizing the queer"

we were both put off by the abstruse argumentation over identity language indulgence - there was no reality, heavy pontificating, such that the verb "to queer" made me feel just that.

1996 was about autobiography and new media,

there was lots of film, and CD Rom demonstrations.

and a good genderfuck.

swat | life

justin's links by justin hall: contact