any comments ben? "pretty self explanatory, i mean, we call you chester because your name is chester, right?"i went to honduras and some people there couldn't say my name "justin" particularly one edgy lad on the captain rinel, who came up with "chester"
i told my friends here at swarthmore, and they thought it stuck - wilson, duncan, ben, others call me chester most of the time, for direct address.
wilson even wrote a poem for chester.
i don't mind really - it's got an affectionate ring to it. right?
chester, in terms of swarthmore at large, refers to the nearby city, where lots of folks who used to build boats for the government live. they don't build boats anymore, so a lot of them work for the college, cleaning up our mess. there's an enormous trash incinerator there; i helped Students Promoting Environmental Equality in Chester put up a web page about that stuff.
justin's links by justin hall: contact