Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

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spring '95

I lived with Justin and Martin, in a dorm that might as well have been off campus. Red flags and socialist rallying cries could be heard stereod and sung and guitared - there was political passion pouring out of the walls.

After I broke up with Chandra, I hung out with Becky and Wilson and Yoni quite a bit. Wilson and I grooved on the poetic tip.

February, I started holding web empowerment meetings.

as ever, I did my radio show.


English 52: Harlem Renaissance
Charles James
History of Manhood
Bruce Dorsey
Statistics 1: Stastical Thinking
Gudmund Iversen
3.14.95: surfin' statistics
Literature of Social Change and Revolution
Thomson Bradley & Vivian Ford
This was team taught by a professor from Swarthmore, and a professor from Delaware County Community College, Chester branch.
5.10.95: black man, you gotta make a decision rap lyrics as visions for social change.
Computer Science 20: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Charles Kelemen

spring '94 | fall '94: hotwired | fall '95

swat | life

justin's links by justin hall: contact