vita :
sf :
When I came to San Francisco, to be a officially licensed member of the digital revolution, I made a few friends. Since I was so involved in the web by that time, many of these friends have pages I can send you to!
- "Haia" Ted Berk
- I wrote a piece about meeting him, and I put up a page of selections from his dream journals.
- "Sonic" Ann Hess
- Has uncanny levels of energy and intiatory energy. Always wants to play! Learns quick, too.
- Spoonman Mark Petrakis
- Digital Man about Town, he is a party scientist, and a greek.
- Howard Rheingold
- Fortunate am I to have a friend and mentor this wise and kind. His net.presence is well deserved, and the world would be wise to integrate his vision into cyberspace.
- Jennifer Roberts
- Works not in the online realms, but is a guru of the psychospiritual.
- Jonathan Steuer
- A good young soul who took me in, helped me get various jobs, hooked me up with his scene, and introduced a great San Franciscan scene to me. Another lucky find!
- Cyborganic/Ramona Towers
- Fortunate was I to land in San Francisco amongst a group of youthful, wise, bright, energetic, computer-saavy folk - who live under the ideals and prospective business of Cyborganic. Most of them live on Ramona street, in the Mission district of San Francisco.
- HotWired
- So too was I fortunate to land a job at HotWired, amongst a staff of young, quirky, energetic, dynamic, fun people. They have all taught me a lot, whether they knew it or not!