Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

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my mommy means the world to me
now more than ever;
age is the key

I awake to find myself
surrounded by her gifts
these open doors and support have bounded rifts

I'm found a way to play
she gave me clay
I've learned to shape
but more to stay
faithful to my dear ma
see, I appreciate her now more, rah!

some people show you love
by meddling in your affairs
my mother, busy as she was
put on no such airs

tension it was a source of thus
but tomorrow we'll talk with little fuss

now finds her with more time to herself
friends, hobbies, thick books on the shelf
cross the country, ticklin' the keys
playing chopin for colin, and george and me.

each day she talks to one of her sons
two busy as they are
as she was
what a productive family!

a man, I find her advice sound
she keeps me sane with faith from the ground

should I be surprised as I travel the world
independence and strength I want in a girl?

happy birthday mom,
you're fifty seven
turn up life's volume,
this one goes to eleven.