Lynn Hall
Being blonde, and the youngest daughter of Wes, I've always felt a similarity between us. We both had difficult relationships with our father. She has recounted horror stories of dinner descents into drunken cursing her out.She's not met with success dating, not yet settling down with anyone like her sister Chris.
She is the most attentive relative I know, always covering all the holidays with a card or a gift, even for relatives beyond blood.
She used to run an enormous amount, marathons and stuff. She was also into dogs, for over 15 years, Java and Jasmine were closest to her.
Lynn has held a variety of careers. Currently, she is a paralegal at Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe; previously she has done a lot of anti-cruelty animal work.
Now she speaks of learning physical therapy, being trained to practice out of her house. I would love to see her get such a job, she is already well versed in body care, and it would give her a good chance to extend her love to the world. Better than paralegaling, I imagine.
She is the best authority I know on vitamins and minerals and health drugs, hormones - some stuff that used to be over the counter, now you have to buy it abroad. She takes 10 grams of C a day, 20 when she's gettin' sick.
and Lynn thinks I'm nuts, man (34k .aiff)
I believe she does have some agression inside, I've seen her take it out on the road. Woe to the careless lane changer or slow pedestrian, ye will fall victim to Lynn's car-kept scathing invective.
justin's links by justin hall: contact