This friendly Leo was one of the first people I met at Cyborganic.Lisa Seaman
Her friendliness often involves comiseration and inside jokes. She likes to talk in weird voices.
She loves dogs. When Darcy lived at Ramona, Lisa was his best friend, even after he bit her in the face. She had pictures on her door of various dogs she's known and loved. She likes 'em big.She is a stylish dresser. I don't see her all that often anymore, but she's always wearing a stunning ensamble when I do.
She's got a small body, but well muscled and proportioned. Long black hair. She seems like she would be quite a scrapper.
She's got a lot of talent, once exercised at Digital Kids web site. A shining example of what can be done with limited file sizes - see particularly the small background .gif files that match the colours of the logos. Colour-matching - good space saving technique. She's done a lot in a small framework here. she also did the anime-ish logo for cyborganic, and a lot of early design work on hotwired. she left there before launch though, to work for a video game company. i remember talking to her about it - she was psyched for the big pay and the job security. i think the company had gone belly up within a year.
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