Living with Bulemia
J - That's a lot of food you've got there D - That's a lot of food you've got there too J - Please, just tell me when you're binging. D - What makes you think I'm binging? J - Well, you've just finished your second plate of pasta and now you're knawing on a half a loaf of bread. D - You have no right to accuse me of binging. J - Who's accusing you? I just want to know if you are. D - Don't project problems on to me. J - Alright - I'm sorry. I don't want to accuse you of anything or bring it up if you aren't. A few moments later...
D - Justin, I'm binging. J - I knew it! Why didn't you just tell me? D - Don't try to make me stop. J - I'm not trying to make you stop, I just want to know when you are binging. D - Well, I just told you. An uneasy silence, and then,
J - Why don't you stop?
eating disorders | food | mea corpus | life
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