thanks to april chan for these two pix:
altering net consciousness since July 94
"Better living through chemistry"
the former slogan of that pinnacle of patriotism, the DuPont Corporation
what's out there?
- lycaeum drugs
- the origin of crack - expose by the san jose mercury news, circa august 1996. details, and frames; using the web to trace CIA and Contra and racist meanderings. through this article's links, I even found out what drugs look like!
Ever heard of Timothy Leary? Well, he's got his own web page. Marvel at the ingenious Leary Biscuit, or his recent drug intake. His page spun spirits are high, but they fellow is indeed dying. nyt.
- Teach yourself from print, with the Psychedelic Psyllabus. One guy gives a list of books exploreing different aspects of hallucinogenic/psychoactive drugs, with a one sentence sum up of each. Real cut and dried presentation, but his books seem to be up to snuff.
- Good bad and the ugly Trip Tales, bust stories at Paranoia.
- World Wide Weed
- I've been looking into sex drugs. Now all I need is sex!
- Perusing Clinton's Crime Bill yeilded a small but possibly potent provision: "Safety Valve" Exemption From Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentences. I didn't even hear about it in mainstream media - only on the net. A step in the right direction, perhaps, but what's that fourth clause? What about the fifth amendment? Sounds like extortion to me. Wave this in front of people's faces and yell "confess - save yourself from mandatory minimum sentencing." I don't even know what happened to this crime bill, and certainly not this provision.
- Do you know what Kava is? I didn't. It's a stony/trippy natural Polynesian pepper root that I will take, if somebody sends me. I read about it on Lee Kagan's Kava paga. Quite an incredible report, examining Internet and library references - quite a collected Kava Bibliography.
- The Hyperreal drug archives, is among the finest online. FAQs, books, text files on specific drugs, and overviews of drug culture are here available. Not necessarily a single story being told, but a collection of the various resources online that otherwise might drift un umbrella-ed. Pihkal (short for Phenethylamines i Have Known And Loved), a book by Alexander Shulgin and Ann Shulgin, has been hypertexted at this site, as has E for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders.
- The straight up poop at MurpleWeb: Drugs Page. Concisely worded, web linked, this page will give you a good basic view of the online drug scene. Also, he's collected Anti-Drug Propoganda, including some inane DARE tunes. Interesting to compare those to the artists who sing on behalf of drug use. Who would you believe? Besides the songs, there's a good smattering of other typical anti-drug drivel.
- There is an End the Drug War page with anti-prohibition materials online. Includes information about stuff you can do to work for legalization, and a well-written urine-saga about the debasing drug testing at one of the country's foremost computer centers, Xerox Parc. In spite of his passing the drug test, the guy who wrote it turned down a summer internship with them because of his opposition to their drug testing methodologies. I commend him for standing by his principles like that, and I recommend that you learn from his first hand accouting what you may have to go through someday.
- It may be too late to help in the campaign, but information on current efforts to fix those damn manditory minimum laws is up at the Amendment 37 page. This page explains how you can help to pass this law up before congress this session.
- Still under construction, but the attitude is in place: Drug Reform Coordination Network has a homepage. Choose to read one of three bulletins, or send in money to join their group - including a newsletter.
- Sporting big graphics and that open European attitude, The Amsterdam HighMarket has tossed together some local info, and some world-wide links in a toke tribute page. If you can't find drugs in Amsterdam, stop here!
- Try a drug related picture gallery - my small collection, as well as links.
- Once you get past the legalese, Neuropharmacological Anarchy has some unique stuff in its hypertexted drug information archive. Most of the information is being phased onto Hyperreal, I believe.
- The Internet Accessible Drug-Related Resources page is not so hot on web coverage, but it provides a well researched listing of non-www drug sites.
- A hypertexted Drug FAQ is a thorough listing all sorts of legal psychotropic drugs, indexed by drug name - all in one big file.
- Mushroom prophet Terence McKenna has a page up promoting his video Alien DreamTime. There are wonderful little psychedelic sound clips up there, as well as information about McKenna and his recent work.
- The text of the California Hemp Initiative for 1994 is online. Hopefully there will be a new effort, but this can serve to prototype.
- MIT student Stephen Hau argues for the Legalization of Marijuana on a server that seems to have disappeared - stay tuned for further details...
- Information on tryptamine
- Information on Nitrous Oxide
- Check out HTMLed MDMA Synthesis
- The organization MAPS Inc. was online, but their URL is giving me a hard time.
Non-HyperText Drug Resources:
- For the latest list of companies that require/are opposed to Urine Testing for Drugs: e-mail with just the word "send" in the subject
- Finally making their opwn appearance on the web, High Times has a gopher site.
Links from the Underground
Yer Mama Net Productions / Justin Hall /