Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994

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a throbbing hypertextual masterwork of incredible postmodern scholarship!

> technology and citizen choice:
  priorities and responsibility for tool selection

why the web?

it's about Publishing Empowerment
decentralizing media for human potential

e v e r y o n e can be a publisher

we should share of ourselves
links like life.

c o m p u t o p i a

this stuff ain't that hard,

computers were made by humans for other humans to use;

let's talk about consumption and production

and giving back

t e ch nolo gee writings
there might be digital cash
and then small-time folks can be Kickin' it Freestyle fulltime
(i took donations)

computers inspire
media responsibility:
forging culture - Don't wait for anyone to recognize your talent - do what you love, and do it online!

1990: i wrote about this cool thing I'd Discovered: the Internet
spring 1996: i taught a class on web ethics at swarthmore college summer 1996: i travelled by bus across america teaching people how to make web pages

publish yo' self!
I am not my habits self-rightous paranoic rant: why we should be on our guard against targeted advertising.

and i got pissed at a guy over online copyright and learned a lesson.

a different look at our brave new machines:
the internet industry
making sense of microsoft
dated december 1997


justin's links by justin hall: contact