On 55 years (4/13/94)
- J. HallA half a century and a quarter score have aged a piano-teaching twelve year old in a town of thirty-five - my mother How to measure a woman's legacy? 2 offspring 3 husbands 2 pigtails and one career. To study her trail Joan Marie Hall esquire leaves one with abogada paperweights camp-fashioned crafts supreme court souvenirs travelogues of foreign feasts and photographs of a blonde woman in a red stetson smiling broadly with important men. A reoccuring theme - profound respect and undying admiration fostered unwittingly by integrity discipline hard work by Joan Hall. And now 13 April arrives again And whether a counting is in order: 23 for Colin 19 for Justin 15 for Wes a few for Rod Jenner and Block can both lay claim to 29 while George has shared five - these next 55 are her own.