I am on an extended leave of absence from routine employment. So I create my own deadlines to keep me moving through my creative goals. My goal now: a new video posted each week, by Wednesday. More videos per week if I can manage!
Two things are slowing down my video production nowadays:
1: my 2008-era MacBook Pro. I will upgrade when Apple releases their next models, which I pray will be October 2013.
2: my sore back
My sore back is the topic of my video this week - experimenting with more technique in Final Cut Pro X to improve the looks and flow of my video.
A Painfull Storie, on YouTube:
Fortunately I find myself embarrassed by the videos I made just two weeks ago so that means I must be improving, right?
I found tons of free footage online - thanks to OrangeHD, Footage Island, Alex Free Stock Video, Phil Fried, bottledvideo.com, and BroBryce on YouTube. As usual, my music is free from the Internet Archive.
BTW - my back is getting better each day; I've got exercises from my doctor :-) Soon I hope I won't have a sore back to explain my recent slothful online oversharing!